Behemoth Albums
![]() | 2018: I Loved You at Your Darkest (Death Metal) |
![]() | 2014: The Satanist (Death Metal) |
Behemoth Band

Behemoth is a once black metal band turned deathcore shit show turned MTV nu-metal train wreck. Behemoth initially played pagan/nationalist black metal on their early demos and debut Sventevith (Storming Near the Baltic), but switched to metalcore on subsequent Grom and Pandemonic Incantations once band frontman Nergal/Holocausto realised he couldn't compete with Rob Darken's Graveland, much less the early Norwegian black metal masters such as Burzum or Neraines.
Behemoth kept on incorporating more and more metalcore and nu-metal influences, all the way to 2014's disaster The Satanist - an album comprised almost entirely of chugging one-note "riffs" and angsty vocals shouting edgy "satanic" lyrical imbecilities - which saw the band effectively transition into a Slipknot tribute act. The trend would later continue on I Loved You at Your Darkest, where Behemoth make no more pretence at playing underground metal and fully embrace their desire to become Evanescence, Nightwish or Epica.
Behemoth frontman Nergal/Holocausto is no stranger to racial controversy, as he is known to frequently dress up as a World War II era German "SS" officer, which has led Behemoth to being labelled a NSBM (National Socialist Black Metal) band on more than one occasion. Nergal/Holocausto has answered the controversy, claiming that dressing up as a NSDAP officer is a "sexual fetish" and "not political".
Behemoth Discography
Complete list of albums by the band Behemoth: