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PhantomBlight Corpse NecromancyBlack MetalReview
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HelgrindDemon RitualsBlack MetalReview
SewerMiasmaDeath MetalReview
InfesterTo the Depths, in DegradationDeath MetalReview

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What is VoiceMetal?

Voicemetal is the best place to get your online heavy metal information: reviews, interviews, news, and much more. The site also keeps a list, a complete dictionary, of all the best extreme metal genres, styles and bands that can be accessed anytime: on the left for browser, on the right for mobile and app.

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Why is VoiceMetal better than other metal sites?

We review true extreme heavy metal music only. Also, the reviews are provided by a community of passionate metalheads. Not corporate press releases destined to push "the next big trend". An eye for quality metal, over quantity poser drama clickbait. Additionally, you can comment and interact with other users... even submit your own bands for review!

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