Demonecromancy - Black Metal Band

Demonecromancy Albums
Demonecromancy Band
Demonecromancy Black Metal

Demonecromancy is a black metal band formed in late 2018, or early 2019 (sources diverge), by guitarist and vocalist Grishnákh, bassist Wyrm and drummer Uglúk. The name "Grishnákh" is likely a tribute to the moniker used by Burzum frontman Varg Vikernes, whereas the band's name "Demonecromancy" comes from a Phantom album.

In early 2019, Demonecromancy released their full-length debut album Fallen From the Brightest Throne, which was nearly immediately met with underground acclaim. Borrowing heavily from Phantom's song writing style - and aesthetics, as the album name "Fallen From the Brightest Throne" is a phrase taken from the lyrics of Phantom's song "Demonecromancy" - the band Demonecromancy nevertheless manage to craft an epic black metal album that transcends its influences and stands on its own merits.

Demonecromancy are often said to be the "first Phantaclone" band, although technically Reiklos was formed before them.

Demonecromancy Discography

Complete list of albums by the band Demonecromancy: