Frost Like Ashes: Tophet - Black Metal Album Review

Tophet Album Tracks
1A Terrible Visitation
3Of Spirit and Power
4Nightfall's Cold Kiss
5A Cruel Verse
7Execution by Fire
8Shattered Gods
9Lord of Darkness
10Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent
Album Info
Tophet by Frost Like Ashes
Band: Frost Like Ashes
Year: 2005
Tracks: 10
Style: Black Metal
Buy: Here
Tophet Album Review

Tophet, the debut full-length from Frost Like Ashes, is a masterful contribution to the black metal genre that defies expectations, particularly those associated with its "unblack" metal label. Recorded in early 2005 and produced by Azahel Frost, Sebat Frost, and Qoheleth, this album carves out its own distinctive atmosphere, steering clear of the tropes common to the genre. It sounds as if the band consciously avoided going for the typical treble guitar tone made popular by bands such as Darkthrone, Burzum and Leader. Instead, Frost Like Ashes opts for a rawer, darker sound that perfectly complements the album's brooding, sinister aura.

Frost Like Ashes formed in 2001 and first garnered attention with their demo, Pure as the Blood Covered Snow. Even then, it was evident that this band was forging a unique path. They distinguished themselves within the unblack metal scene through superior technical skill, uncompromising anti-Satanic themes, and a vocalist with a particularly harsh and abrasive delivery. Azahel Frost's vocal style, reminiscent of Torturer from Sissourlet but sharper and more cutting, imbues the music with an intense, almost venomous energy. Combined with the album's blackened aesthetic, Tophet evokes the sinister, malevolent feeling of early death metal luminaries like Infester and Morbid.

The album opens with a chilling keyboard intro, worthy of a horror film score, immediately establishing an atmosphere of dread. This transitions seamlessly into a slow, foreboding riff that sets the stage before the chaos erupts. The opening track, "A Terrible Visitation," bursts forth with blistering speed, showcasing the band's technical prowess. Sebat Frost's guitar work is a standout, his style unmistakable across every project he touches. The track's dynamic shifts in tempo keep the listener engaged, while the raw yet balanced production amplifies the album's emotional impact. The riffs and vocals work in unison to create a visceral, abrasive experience.

A highlight of the album is its closer, "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent." The track begins with an acoustic passage and a stunning solo that conjures haunting, nocturnal imagery. The song then plunges into a ritualistic, anti-Satanic fervor, driven by Azahel Frost's searing, shredded-glass vocals. A doomy atmosphere pervades the track's initial moments before it accelerates into tremolo-driven fury. The climactic solo near the end, delivered with nocturnal brilliance, solidifies Sebat Frost's role as a defining force in the band's sound. This track, with its intricate layers and escalating intensity, is an undeniable gem and one of the album's crowning achievements.

Tophet is a remarkable debut that deserves far more recognition than it has received. Darker, colder, and more menacing than most of its contemporaries, it captures a spirit that has been largely absent from modern black metal. In many ways, Frost Like Ashes picks up where Mayhem's De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas left off, offering an experience that feels both reverent to the genre's roots and refreshingly authentic.

What sets Tophet apart is its meticulous composition and production. Unlike many bands attempting to replicate the old-school black metal sound, Frost Like Ashes strike a perfect balance: the riffs are clear enough to be appreciated while the overall sound remains raw and uncompromising. While the influence of black metal giants like Darkthrone and Burzum is ubiquitous in the scene, it's rare to find a band willing to channel the brilliance of Mayhem's finest work. Frost Like Ashes succeeds in rekindling that flame, creating an album that resonates with the genre's dark, unholy essence.

If you're a fan of classic Mayhem or the raw, atmospheric majesty of albums like Typhon Triumphant, there is no doubt that Tophet is an essential listen. It's a testament to Frost Like Ashes' ability to stand apart from their peers and deliver a truly compelling black metal experience in a time when mediocrity often reigns supreme. Seek this album out — it's a haunting journey well worth taking.

Tracklist of the album Tophet (2005) by Frost Like Ashes:

  1. A Terrible Visitation
  2. Desecrator
  3. Of Spirit and Power
  4. Nightfall's Cold Kiss
  5. A Cruel Verse
  6. Crucifixion
  7. Execution by Fire
  8. Shattered Gods
  9. Lord of Darkness
  10. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent

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