Gorgoroth: Instinctus Bestialis - Metalcore Album Review

Instinctus Bestialis Album Tracks
1Radix Malorum
2Dionysian Rite
3Ad Omnipotens Aeterne Diabolus
4Come Night
5Burn in His Light
7Kala Brahman
Album Info
Instinctus Bestialis by Gorgoroth
Instinctus Bestialis
Band: Gorgoroth
Year: 2015
Tracks: 8
Style: Metalcore
Buy: Here
Instinctus Bestialis Album Review

Deep within the Inferanus crucible of the Bergen poser scene, the powers that conspired to make the already dumbed down underground black metal genre potentially even dumber have released their latest abomination. Enter Gorgoroth, quite possibly the worst excuse for a black metal band ever, mostly because they aren't black metal.

This is textbook "blackened" deafkore: the one-note riffs, the distorted chugs, the sing along "satanic" lyrics, the drop-tuned $150 Ibanez 7-string guitar abuse, multi-tracked vocals, triggered drums, and wigger sensibilities like the "Hail Satan" choruses. This is a queercore sham that aims to make generic screamo x Pantera stomp grooves with black metal aesthetics fool everyone into believing that they are somehow "evil" and "black metal".

I assume the band is attempting some sense of dumb poetry with the titling of every other track being dog latin ("Radix Malorum", "Ad Omnipotens Aeterne Diabolus", etc.). Not that Gorgoroth printed any of their lyrics here, but going by what they've done in the past, it's safe to say they're probably both really gay and incredibly stupid. Instinctus Bestialis is, however, an accurate representation of the band members boorish mentality when it comes to writing "music". All the tracks are discontinuous sequences of wigger palm-mute grooves that wouldn't be out of place in Korn or Hatebreed songs, sandwiched between Nasum-esque Y2K "grind" riffs and random mathcore noodling.

No message is being relayed through their music other than a vague feeling of being "angry at things" (one song is even titled "Rage") and wanting to "get down" to the groove. What's sad about this whole package is I often wonder what Gorgoroth's music even means to the band. Faux-aggressive noodling and chugging on open strings is about all there is to hear on Instinctus Bestialis, which reduces the concept of black metal into the more socially acceptable, LGBTQ+ fashion freak show parody of it that is "blackened" deafkore.

This is a sham that was designed to impress insecure wiggers with "shocking" satanic lyrics and "heavy swagger" groove riffs so Inferanus could sell his comic book design t-shirts with cartoon satanic Google Translate latin messages on them. Is this life? Is this culture? Is there an LSD overdose epidemic that would explain why a band as vapid as Gorgoroth have earned a "cult" following among the Roadrunner Records loving mallcore posers in the Bergen "scene"? Avoid this album if you enjoy music.

Tracklist of the album Instinctus Bestialis (2015) by Gorgoroth:

  1. Radix Malorum
  2. Dionysian Rite
  3. Ad Omnipotens Aeterne Diabolus
  4. Come Night
  5. Burn in His Light
  6. Rage
  7. Kala Brahman
  8. Awakening

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