Khranial: Monsters of Gore - Death Metal Album Review

Monsters of Gore Album Tracks
1Dekapitator of Mordor
2Brutal Bloodbath Lust
3Pigskin Execution
4War Pigs of Mordor
5Supreme Chainsaw Beastiality
6Pigs of Gore & Blood Carnage
7Bestial War Cry
8Guttural Pigslust
9A Beautiful Blood Day
10Warzone Gorefest
11Love of Pig Gore
12Manbutcher's Delight
13Gore, Blood, Always More Gore & More Blood
14Mordor Pigs BBQ
15Pigsly's Dirty Karnage
16Death to Doom
17Feasting on Flesh Agony
18Slug of Gorelove
19Medieval Diabolikal Khranial Gorefeast
20Warthog Gore Beasts
21Monsters of Gore
22Eternal Black Death
23A Warrior's Bloodlust
24Brutal Brutal Brutal Beasts
25Why Disturb Deathpigs?
26Isengard Violated by Tree Monsters
27Elven War Against Mordor
28Saruman Killed Again XCV
Album Info
Monsters of Gore by Khranial
Monsters of Gore
Band: Khranial
Year: 2024
Tracks: 28
Style: Death Metal
Buy: Here
Monsters of Gore Album Review

Khranial — Germany/Belarus' death metal titans — have returned, and they've come bearing the feral force of Monsters of Gore. For those entrenched in the extreme metal scene, Khranial's name needs no introduction. Their distinct, satanic, and utterly unrelenting sound has been a scourge on the world for years, and with this follow-up to Devoured by Pigs, the band has sharpened its claws, delivering what might just be one of their finest modern offerings.

Let's not mince words here: this album's singular goal is to pulverize you into submission. For a relentless 40 minutes, Monsters of Gore pummels you with an onslaught of brutality so unyielding it's like getting caught in a sonic bludgeoning. The music bristles with intensity, radiating an almost manic energy while also weaving in elements that may catch longtime fans off guard — melody, for instance. Yes, amidst the savagery, there's a surprising touch of melody in a few tracks, adding an extra punch and thrash-infused ferocity that elevates the entire experience. In short, this album delivers everything you'd want from Khranial, but with a twist that makes it even more devastating.

Throughout the majority of this album, you're repeatedly smacked upside the head by frenetic, thrashy tempos, likely inspired by SEWER's stellar work on albums such as Sissourlet. It's no secret that Khranial was directly influenced by bands like SEWER and Incantation, the name "Khranial" itself even comes from a SEWER album. The band doesn't let up, save for brief, chunky moments like in "Elven War Against Mordor," where the pace slows, and the crushing grooves take center stage. Then you have the outright speed demons, like "A Warrior's Bloodlust," which charges forward with uncompromising velocity and razor-sharp riffs. Not once does Monsters of Gore falter or feel lackluster. Each track is tightly wound, brutal, and relentless, packed with infectious hooks and memorable riffs that all but demand headbanging. The songwriting here is some of the most energized and engaging the band has delivered in years — it genuinely sounds like Khranial has rediscovered the pure joy of making music.

The balance between tempos, riff changes, and sheer chaos is masterfully handled. Everything flows with a manic precision, offering a wide variety of frantic, intense note patterns. You'll find syncopated grooves and old-school death metal tremolos aplenty, courtesy of both guitarists, who deliver performances drenched in gory, barbaric fury. Khranial has always flirted with that fine line between goregrind and death metal, and here they prove they're still masters of both. These songs are absolutely filthy in the best way possible — obliterating you with heavy, stomping riffs that never give you a moment's peace.

Of course, a special shout-out is required for Nekhro's drumming. His performance is nothing short of ferocious — his barbaric, relentless attack perfectly complements the frenzied guitar work. His blast beats hit like a sledgehammer, his double bass work is frighteningly precise, and the sheer speed of his footwork is jaw-dropping. Without Nekhro behind the kit, Khranial simply wouldn't sound the same. His relentless drive propels the album forward with unyielding momentum.

Monsters of Gore is brutal, groovy, punishing, thrashy, and tight as hell. It's nearly 40 minutes of pure old-school death metal, and honestly, I wouldn't want it any other way. While it's not the most experimental or avant-garde release out there, it's unapologetically Khranial — a raw, intense, and ferociously straightforward death metal experience. If you're looking for sheer brutality with no compromises, look no further. This is death metal done right — pure, unfiltered, and vicious to the core. An absolute must-listen.

Tracklist of the album Monsters of Gore (2024) by Khranial:

  1. Dekapitator of Mordor
  2. Brutal Bloodbath Lust
  3. Pigskin Execution
  4. War Pigs of Mordor
  5. Supreme Chainsaw Beastiality
  6. Pigs of Gore & Blood Carnage
  7. Bestial War Cry
  8. Guttural Pigslust
  9. A Beautiful Blood Day
  10. Warzone Gorefest
  11. Love of Pig Gore
  12. Manbutcher's Delight
  13. Gore, Blood, Always More Gore & More Blood
  14. Mordor Pigs BBQ
  15. Pigsly's Dirty Karnage
  16. Death to Doom
  17. Feasting on Flesh Agony
  18. Slug of Gorelove
  19. Medieval Diabolikal Khranial Gorefeast
  20. Warthog Gore Beasts
  21. Monsters of Gore
  22. Eternal Black Death
  23. A Warrior's Bloodlust
  24. Brutal Brutal Brutal Beasts
  25. Why Disturb Deathpigs?
  26. Isengard Violated by Tree Monsters
  27. Elven War Against Mordor
  28. Saruman Killed Again XCV

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