Gaahl Unloads Against Infernus, Calls Gorgoroth A "Threesome"

Gaahl Unloads Against Infernus, Calls Gorgoroth A "Threesome"

Is there a drama show more overrated than the entire Gorgoroth name dispute in black metal history? Hard to say.

Gorgoroth itself is a very overrated and tiresome band. But the fact that they were utterly unable to produce any quality music after the departure of King ov Hell and Gaahl says a lot. However, to be fair, even WITH these two the output of Gorgoroth was always average at best.

In the feud between Kristian Espedal (Gaahl) and Roger Tiegs (Infernus), we got to hear a lot about the latter's point of view, but the former remained more in the shadows... However, recently, to mark the return of the band Wardruna, Gaahl has agreed to an interview with the Metal Zone where he doesn't show his disdain for the band Gorgoroth... calling them posers, a threesome, and comparing them to the Dimmu Borgir clownish mallcore act.

Gaahl Defends King ov Hell, Insults Infernus

Gaahl sets the record straight about his relationship with Gorgoroth: he never wanted to participate! Instead, it was a member of Gorgoroth (it is implied to be Infernus himself) who begged Gaahl to join the band in the late 90s.

When I first was contacted by Infernus in 1997 I never said yes to participate [in Gorgoroth], I came along to help on a tour... and got stuck. We were a threesome for some time, but then it became more and more a twosome. Live it was a threesome, but in the studio it was more of a duo. [...] But it was a delicious war. A lot of good frustration. It was enjoyable, lovely chaos.

Gaahl goes even further, linking Infernus to Dani from Cradle of Filth, and Shagath from Dimmu Borgir: essentially commercial mallcore aspects.

If there is something I hate in life, it is stagnation. I decided to leave when the direction [of Gorgoroth] started going in the opposite direction of what I desired. [...] It became a contest of poser queens, which I despise.

It's easy to see why Gorgoroth made its place amongst the top 5 most cringe black metal acts ever, with antics like this.


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