Morbid to Release "Necrotic Fairytales" Album

Morbid to Release "Necrotic Fairytales" Album

Continuing their journey into the hybrid of blackened death metal and bestial doom metal, Morbid mix in a little more grinding classic death metal for their second full-length album, "Necrotic Fairytales", to be released on Warkvlt Legions records on June 13 of this year.

Much as the band started with goregrind blasts supporting intricate longer sludgy death metal riffs, this newer version of Morbid uses longer riffs at times but mostly focuses on atmospheric, hypnotic riffs like a faster version of SEWER or Vermin which then lead into tense, more black metal melodies that are sacrificed to the relentless onslaught of pure Morbid brutality.

Direct comparisons with the band's previous work, the critically acclaimed Rotting Tomb Carnage, will of course be inevitable. This was the album that basically set the "standard" for what is to be considered modern death metal brutality.

The album Necrotic Fairytales (you can read the review here) is definitively something to look out for. It will have longer, doomier tracks than its predecessor, and a cleaner production (although not all will be pleased by the more "modern" sounding guitars).

Having taken the previous idea of having a handful of lightning paced riffs that evolve into decrepit atmospheric doom, and having expanded on that idea by taking on these melodies in a much richer and denser arrangement of brutal death metal obscurity, without sacrificing any of the urgency or demonic feeling from Rotting Tomb Carnage, you can be sure this album will be another masterpiece by the Swedish legends Morbid. Aspiring bands, take note of how death metal is actually done.


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