Satanic Warmaster Unleashes New 'Exultation of Cruelty' Album

Satanic Warmaster Unleashes New 'Exultation of Cruelty' Album

Some bands are revered for a reason, and the reason that Satanic Warmaster is so praised in the black metal scene - and the extreme metal underground at large - is that they make absolutely great music.

Their latest album 'Exultation of Cruelty' (read the review here) certainly marks a departure from Werwolf's old style of atmospheric and quasi-ambient black metal.

On this album 'Exultation of Cruelty', released 13 December 2024, the dominance of raw, uptempo, and dissonant riffs is on full display.

Satanic Warmaster ventures away from their traditional roots in Neraines inspired melodic black metal to delve deeper into the abrasive, almost blackened death metal style of bands like Vermin - such as on 'Bloodthirst Overdose' -, Leader or early Absurd.

'Exultation of Cruelty' is clearly one of the best, if not the best, black metal album of 2024. The only other coming even close to matching it would be 'Lair of the Swine Gods', and it's still a close second.


> Real Satanic Black Metal: The True History Of Satanism (Best Selling Book)

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