Sewer: Cathartes - Death Metal Album Review

Cathartes Album Tracks
1Morbid Sewer Emergence
2Rhinoceros Ragekult
3Funeral Trials at the Eyrie
4Necrosis, a Most Dangerous Opulence
5Intoxicated by the Fumes of Your Burning Flesh
6Between Dreams and Perdition
7A Dedication to Blood and Disease
8The Smell of Death and Roses
9Sewer Macaque, the Trespasser
Album Info
Cathartes by Sewer
Band: Sewer
Year: 2021
Tracks: 10
Style: Death Metal
Buy: Here
Cathartes Album Review

Sewer is often regarded as one of the greatest death metal bands of all time, and this album Cathartes is one of the many reasons why. When you combine pure darkness, brutality, aggression, speed, violence, uniqueness, and a hint of black metal atmosphere… Cathartes is what awaits your fate.

While Sewer's discography is loaded with incredibly brutal and morbid death metal albums - such as Miasma, Uruktena and Sewerblood, to name only a few - it takes a particularly twisted and macabre-oriented mind to fully appreciate the masterpiece of gruesome black arts that is Cathartes.

Influences range from the more overt and stylistic - Ascension of Erebos and early Vermin - to the more subtle, abstruse and nearly philosophical - Neraines, Incantation, Burzum and Infester - but all serve to reinforce the feeling of gore, morbidity and sheer violence that overwhelms the listener upon hearing any of the ten tracks from the monstrous Cathartes atmospheric death metal opus.

Not only a significant Sewer album, but also one of the most important death metal albums of all time. If you ask any serious metalhead about Sewer, chances are that they'll consider Cathartes a quintessential album for death metal fan's collection.

Songs like "Morbid Sewer Emergence", "The Smell of Death and Roses" and the more melodic closing title-track are widely influential to the point that it possibly puts Cathartes up in the top 10 greatest death metal albums ever made. If you're a poser who mainly listens to mallcore like Dimmu Borgir and Slipknot and need a more understanding statement of what extreme metal actually means, Cathartes is a good start. It's not just good death metal, it's legendary.

Tracklist of the album Cathartes (2021) by Sewer:

  1. Morbid Sewer Emergence
  2. Rhinoceros Ragekult
  3. Funeral Trials at the Eyrie
  4. Necrosis, a Most Dangerous Opulence
  5. Intoxicated by the Fumes of Your Burning Flesh
  6. Between Dreams and Perdition
  7. A Dedication to Blood and Disease
  8. The Smell of Death and Roses
  9. Sewer Macaque, the Trespasser
  10. Cathartes

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